Statewide Conference Sponsor Registration
Platinum Sponsor...$3,000
(Limit of 10)
- Company name & logo included in slideshow in general session area
- Company name mentioned at each general session at the Conference
- Recognition on social media
- Name and logo in the Conference Program
- One complimentary exhibit booth in prime location at the Conference & 2 booth participants with breakfast & lunch
- Recognition on the Texas Parent to Parent website for 6 months with link to your website starting on conference day (we will add the link as soon as we have the contract signed)
- Recognition in 4 monthly Texas Parent to Parent newsletters
- Complimentary quarter-page ad in the Statewide Conference program
- Opportunity to host one of the carnival games at the Family Fun Night at the Statewide Conference
Emerald Sponsor...$6,000
Same as above with the following differences and additions:
- Name & logo on promotional item such as stadium cup or other similar items given to every Conference participant
- Recognition on the Texas Parent to Parent website for 8 months with link to your website starting on conference day (we will add the link as soon as we have the contract signed)
- Complimentary half-page ad in the Statewide Conference program
- Opportunity to host one of the carnival games at the Family Fun Night at the Statewide Conference
Diamond Sponsor...$10,000
Same as above with the following differences and additions:
- Name & logo on Whova App used by every Conference participant
- Recognition on the Texas Parent to Parent website for 10 months with link to your website starting on conference day (we will add the as soon as we have the contract signed)
- Recognition in 8 monthly Texas Parent to Parent newsletters
- Complimentary half-page ad in the Statewide Conference program
- Opportunity to host one of the carnival games at the Family Fun Night at the Statewide Conference
Family Fun Night Sponsor...$10,000
Same as above with the following differences and additions:
- Name & logo on either a coloring book, frisbee or other similar items given to every Conference participant
Childcare Sponsor...$10,000
Same as above with the following differences and additions:
- Name & logo on either a water bottle, beach ball or other similar items
given to every Conference participant