Texas Parent to Parent (TxP2P) ha desarrollado relaciones de colaboración con otras organizaciones estatales y nacionales que brindan servicios a niños con necesidades especiales de atención médica y a sus familias. Estas relaciones nos ofrecen referencias, otros valiosos recursos que ofrecemos a los padres, una manera de compartir voluntarios e información, y de colaborar en sus proyectos. Nuestras colaboraciones incluyen a:
- Parent to Parent USA
- Family Voices
- Texas Department of State Health Services, Children with Special Health Care Needs
- Texas Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services, Early Childhood Intervention Services
- TSBVI (Texas School for the Blind & Visually Impaired)
- Texas School for the Deaf
- Texas Hands & Voices
- Partners Resource Network, Inc.–The PATH Project, TEAM Project & WEST TEXAS PEN Project, the Parent Training and Information projects (PTI) serving most of Texas
- Uniting Parents with The Coalition of Health Services in Amarillo
- The Arc of Northeast Tarrant County
- Down Syndrome Guild of Dallas
- Children’s Special Needs Network in Temple
- Houston Parent Information Network
- Down Syndrome Association of Central Texas
- Autism Society of Greater Austin
- Family to Family Network in Houston
- Texas Parent Group Network
- Osteogenesis Imperfecta Foundation
- EMSC (Emergency Medical Services for Children) State Partnership
- Paso Del Norte Child Development Center
- and other parent groups in Texas
Family to Family Health Information Centers Family-to-Family Health Information Centers (F2F HICs) are non-profit, family-staffed organizations that help families of children and youth with special health care needs (CYSHCN) and the professionals who serve them. Because the health care needs of CYSHCN are chronic and complex, parents and caregivers are often challenged with finding the resources to provide and finance health care for their children. F2F HICs are uniquely able to help families because they are by parents and family members of CYSHCN themselves who have first-hand experience navigating the maze of services and programs for CYSHCN. Staff at F2F HICs understand the issues that families face, provide advice, offer a multitude of resources, and tap into a network of other families and professionals for support and information.
Parent to Parent USA Texas Parent to Parent en una filial de Parent to Parent USA, quien representa a más de 600 organizaciones locales Parent to Parent en los Estados Unidos y a 33 organizaciones estatales.
Family Voices TxP2P
es la Organización Filial Estatal de Family Voices en Texas. Family Voices es una red nacional de familias y amigos que abogan por los niños que tienen necesidades especiales de cuidados médicos. Family Voices busca lograr que haya un cuidado de la salud para estos niños y jóvenes, que sea centrado en la familia, y que proporcione a las familias las herramientas para tomar decisiones bien informadas, abogando por que hayan mejores políticas privadas y públicas, ayudando a crear colaboraciones entre profesionistas y familias, y sirviendo como un recurso de confianza en el cuidado de la salud. También coordinan los centro de información de la salud “de familia a familia” en Texas Family to Family (F2F HIC) por todo el país a nombre