Creative Jobs Story Bank: Kevin's Story
Kevin is a volunteer for Red Express Delivery. He works in Highland Park Elementary School in Austin, Texas. He works three hours a week. He picks up lunch requests from staff and returns with deliveries. He uses an attendant to help him. His attendant drives him where he needs to go. Their work is paid for by the CLASS Medicaid Waiver Program. He is able to find his attendants by hiring former teachers’ aides from his school district. Kevin got his place through knowing a teacher. He needed to learn how to deliver the lunches and how to meet and greet people.
At his job, Kevin picks up the orders in plastic baggies with money and order requests. Then he goes to Jason’s Deli and gets orders. The Deli packages each order in individual bags. And then he returns to school and delivers them to the teachers’ rooms. The teachers only have 20 minutes for lunch. Because Kevin is there, their orders are ready for them in their rooms at the beginning of their lunch period. He enjoys seeing teachers, office staff and the Jason’s Deli staff. He likes when he does because “elementary schools are happy places”. He also wishes he could expand his volunteering to more places. If you would like to ask Kevin questions, email him at