Research on Parent to Parent
An overwhelming majority of parents tell us that they find one-to-one support to be very helpful from another parent who has been in a similar situation. A participatory action research team of parents and researchers conducted a three-year national study to determine the effectiveness of parent-to-parent support which confirms that finding. Results of the study found that one-to-one support increased parents’ confidence and problem-solving capacity, increased parents’ acceptance of their situation and their sense of being able to cope. Interviewees noted that this type of support could not be provided through any other means.
The original study appeared in the following journal: Singer, G.H.S., Marquis, J., Powers, L., Blanchard, L., DiVenere, N., Santelli, B., & Sharp, M. (1999). A multi-site evaluation of Parent to Parent programs for parents of children with disabilities. Journal of Early Intervention, 22(3), 217-229.
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