Resources for Families of Children with Disabilities & Professionals
We have made the decision to no longer provide a web based resource directory – it was difficult to keep up to date and most people do their own Google searches these days. However, there are some resource directories that we would like to suggest for your use:
Navigate Life Texas – This website was created by parents for parents, and Texas Parent to Parent oversees all the resources and edits all the pages that are on this website. You’ll find a lot of great information on diagnosis, insurance, Medicaid Waivers, family support, education and transition on this site. Try out the Search box to find whatever you need. There is a search page (Find Services, Groups and Events) for you to find services, groups and events. These resources are reviewed every 6 months and edited as needed. Most of the groups are parent groups of various kinds and the services are mostly nonprofits with no fees or who have a sliding fee scale. There are no therapy groups or doctors on this list. There are also a lot of great articles by parents and videos in both English & Spanish on this site.
Parent Companion – This website is a guide for Texas parents and caregivers of children with diagnosed or suspected disabilities from birth through 5 years of age. Again, it was created by parents for parents of young children and Texas Parent to Parent was one of the partners on the project. Check out this diagram of “Finding Help in Texas – a guide to the agencies, programs and services included in the Parent Companion Website.”
Texas Project FIRST - A project of the Texas Education Agency committed to providing accurate and consistent information on Special Education to parents and families of students with disabilities, created by parents, for parents. You start with the age of your child and go into a directory especially created for that age group, but you can always look ahead to be prepared for what’s coming.
SPEDTex - The Special Education Information Center (SPEDTex) works collaboratively with stakeholders to provide resources and facilitate collaboration that supports the development and delivery of services to children with disabilities in our State. If you have questions on special education, you should be able to find the answers on this website.
211 Texas - 2-1-1 Texas, a program of the Texas Health and Human Services Commission, is committed to helping Texas citizens connect with the services they need. Whether by phone or internet, our goal is to present accurate, well-organized and easy-to-find information from state and local health and human services programs. 2-1-1 Texas is a free, anonymous social service hotline available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. No matter where you live in Texas, you can dial 2-1-1, or (877) 541-7905, and find information about resources in your local community. Whether you need help finding food or housing, child care, crisis counseling or substance abuse treatment, one number is all you need to know.
TxP2P Newsletters
See our newsletters starting from 2002 to current.
TxP2P Article Library
TxP2P maintains a library of information to assist parents on their journey with a child with a special health care need. Current topics include information about parents' experiences, self-care, transition to adulthood, ECI, advocacy, special education, Medicaid waivers, and much more. See our list.
Resources by Geographic Area:
State & National Resource List (PDF)
Amarillo and Vicinity (PDF)
Austin and Vicinity (PDF)
Corpus Christi and Vicinity (PDF)
Dallas/Ft. Worth and Vicinity (PDF)
El Paso and Vicinity (PDF)
Houston and Vicinity (PDF)
NICU State & National Resources (PDF)
Rio Grande Valley and Vicinity (PDF)
San Antonio and Vicinity (PDF)
Tyler & Vicinity (PDF)
Waco, Temple & Vicinity (PDF)