Advocacy Network

Parent to Parent (TxP2P) received a grant from the Texas Council for
Developmental Disabilities in February, 2011, to train parents,
siblings, self-advocates (youth and young adults with disabilities),
other family members, friends, and other interested individuals to
advocate for community-based issues in health and human services,
accessible transportation and housing, meaningful employment, and
appropriate education for people with disabilities.
When this funding ended, we continued to provide our TxP2P Advocacy Network training but in a different way. While the theme is the same, we only do a few group trainings a year now at the Capitol. But our policy specialists work one-on-one with parents, self-advocates, family members and others who come to us with an issue they want to change. Our staff leads them through determining who they need to approach on the issue, learn how to make the contacts, write talking points, build a coalition to support them, and begin to advocate for their issue.
You can also join us for our weekly Advocacy Calls on Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. CST (6:30 p.m. in El Paso). The phone number is (866) 249-1544 and pass code is 8127325.
If you are interested in joining the Advocacy Network, please contact Linda Litzinger at 512-922-3810 or at the office at 866-896-6001 or 512-458-8600, or email her at